Lotus Greenhouse Shutting Down - And What That Means For Me..

So if you login to Greenhouse now you will see a note saying that it will be retired in late 2015 or early 2016.  Although IBM have always said Greenhouse was a temporary environment and I assume they now want people using the Connections Cloud environment, this is going to be a big loss.   I’m hoping they have plans to replace the community that exists there.  I’m hoping even more they have plans to put the Solutions Catalog which is the only place to find downloads of the Connections plugins and even Connections Mail.  That last one makes me very twitchy.

…. Plus taking away Greenhouse removes the option for potential customers to test technology before committing (oh yes unless they have a cloud account, which isn’t so easy to get).

You have a plan for all of this right IBM? Like migrating everyone to a new environment where the solutions catalog still exists?  Like moving all the beta and idea discussion forums somewhere we can still get at them ?  Right?