Return Of The Watch

Watches are gone or going the way of the dodo right? I mean actual watches that just tell time not watches that try and be supercomputers.  Everyone tells the time on their devices now so you don’t get a watch to do just that.  Right?

I don’t wear a watch.  I haven’t worn a watch since I was a child, I think my last watch memory was seeing 1979 click over to 1980 on my casio digital watch at new year’s eve (yes even as a child I knew how to party).  I stopped wearing watches as a child because I kept losing them.  As I got older I didn’t want a watch because I felt that paying too much attention to time was unhealthy and stressful.  I think I have a good internal clock and I can always tell when a kitchen alarm i’ve set is about to go off about 5 seconds before it does :-).  On top of that, working with computers taught me to stop wearing anything on my wrists - it slows me down, irritates me and I end up taking bracelets off and - yes - losing them.

So this is a long way of saying, today I bought a watch.  Not an expensive one.  Just a swatch but I finally decided a watch is what’s missing from my life. You see I get very little “down” time.  When I do get downtime I know I have a set window to relax before I have to get some more work done.  That means I have to keep picking up my phone to check the time.  When I pick up my phone to check the time, I see mail notifications or text messages or am reminded of 1000 other things I should be doing in that moment instead of just sitting and reading.

The devices that tell me the time are also now inextricably linked with “work” and therefore “stress”.  A watch is now the easiest and least stressful way to actually tell the time.  It’s an interesting full circle and I wonder if it’s just me.

More IBM Docs Fun And Games

…a few more notes from my latest IBM Docs install.  Previous installs including in test at this customer proceeded with no problems but this one presented several challenges so I’m sharing them here in case anyone else has the same.  Firstly since there’s a Windows machine involved let’s rule out the biggest possible issues

1. Make sure Windows is activated. Microsoft does restrict behaviour and performance in non activated Windows. No I don’t have proof I just have solid evidence of that behaviour.  Activating Windows often makes the pain go away

2. Make sure you disable the Windows local firewall.  Even if you can only do so during the install.  The server is going to have to talk to - and be talked to - the deployment manager at least and with Windows firewall enabled your install will fail

3. Make sure every server can ping every other server, even itself. And using an IPV4 not IPV6 routable address

4. Disable UAC.  PLEASE.  In Windows 2012 that’s a registry hack where you set EnableLUA to 0 under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system”

So now we’re ready to install.  There are two options - Installation Manager and using the manual scripts.  Obviously Installation Manager is easier, if you’re installing all components at the same time and if it works.  Here are the standard components I’d usually install for full IBM Docs in a Connections environment with no CCM.

My problem was that in this instance the installer failed during the Docs Proxy server install.  I could see in the logs (found under the IBM Docs Conversion install directory - in my case D:\IBM\ConnectionsDocs\Conversion\logs) that Conversion, Docs and Viewer all installed and deployed with no problems.  However since I chose six components, when it failed on one it rolled back the entire thing.

The error was “Target with name was not found“.  Why would it say that when the script is running on and it can certainly find itself?  The answer is in how the installer works.  It has local python scripts that are actually called by the Job Manager in your Deployment Manager so the error (which exists only on the docs server) is basically saying “the Deployment Manager cannot run the python script on this server”. That’s curious.  Then I realise that to run a remote script the Deployment Manager must contain a job target.  A configuration setting that tells it how to reach a remote server and gives it credentials to run the code.  I checked and although the installer had created a job target , when I  tested there were no stored credentials.  My guess is this was from an earlier attempt when UAC wasn’t fully disabled and the job target was created incompletely.  I re-created it to make sure it worked ok (it tests on save).

So back to square 1 (or snapshot 1).  I removed the half created clusters for Docs, Conversion and Viewer, I removed the Docs Proxy cluster, but I left the job target in place and relaunched the install.  This time my plan was to install in stages taking snapshots between each one.  This was a VERY bad idea.  Docs and Conversion installed and tested perfectly.  However when I went to Installation Manager and chose “Modify” to add the Viewer component it failed.  It took 8hrs to fail, during which time I monitored the logs carefully and this is what it did.

  • To modify an existing IBM Docs install and add a new component the install first UNINSTALLS all existing components even the working ones you may have installed months before
  • It then reinstalls the components it just uninstalled and attempts to install the new component as well
  • When that failed , it uninstalled all the components again and then reinstalled the original two. Leaving me back where I started 8 hrs later

It wasn’t so much the time lost as my fear that during the whole uninstalling / reinstalling of perfectly good servers it would somehow fail and break something that worked.  So.  New plan.

I now had a working IBM Docs and Conversion server to which I needed to add Viewer and Docs Proxy.  I’m staying away from Installation Manager at this point.  I want more control and I don’t want to waste another 8hrs before I can troubleshoot.  Luckily we do have the option to manually install components instead of using installation manager. To do that I extracted the installers and modified the files as per the documentation.  That worked fine after an initial failure.  The instructions don’t say to pre-create the Clusters and server members before running the scripts but you must do that and use the Cluster server names as in the documentation.  If you don’t, the scripts will fail when they try and connect to the deployment manager to find the servers to install onto.  If you’re using Installation Manager you don’t need to do this as the installer does it for you.

Finally there are test URLs as you install each component of <hostname>/componentname/version.txt eg  To ensure this works you must regenerate and propagate the plug-cfg.xml and restart your IHS server.  Also bear in mind the syntax must be lower case /docs/version.txt /viewer/version.txt and /conversion/viewer.txt.

So there you go.  This was probably the 5th 1.0.7 install I’ve done and the first one to hit a problem. Try it first with Installation Manager. Make sure you backup (or better yet snapshot) both Deployment Manager and your  IBM Docs server before starting and if it starts failing switch to running the manual scripts.

Have fun!

THIS is how our community learns, thrives and has fun like no other

In just over two weeks’ time I’m heading to Atlanta for the MWLUG conference.  It’s my first MWLUG visit and this year’s conference is ridiculously packed with technical experts, champions, sponsors and more great content than you’re going to see in person anywhere else in the US this year.  Take a look at this schedule (you’ll see me on it).

4.45 on Thursday I have a Domino session called “What is your server trying to tell you“.  I’ve done similar sessions with this title before but I always update it to talk about the best tools and new tricks I use to manage or healthcheck Domino environments.  It’s great having a pure Domino Admin session so I hope you’ll stick around to catch mine.

11.30 on Friday morning I have a session on “Planning and Completing A Connections Upgrade” whether it’s a version upgrade in place, a side by side upgrade, a fixpack or a cumulative release I’ll talk about how to plan, what to look out for, how not to finish until you’re completely done and deciding when to upgrade and when not.  If you’re thinking of upgrading to CR3 which shipped last week this should be a valuable session.

If you haven’t registered go do that now and i’ll see you there (the weather should be balmy in August yes?) REGISTER

The IBM Docs Dilemma

IBM Docs is a really nice add on to IBM Connections, what’s more it’s not particularly hard to install.  It does have one requirement, a big one, a show stopping one, a requirement that prevented my customer build from working for about four weeks until IBM and I came up with an agreement for how it could work.  Hopefully this will help you fast forward through that four weeks yourself ..

IBM Docs Infrastructure - The Simple Version

IBM Docs has four component WebSphere servers with applications stored on each

The servers also need access to three data shares; the standard Connections share, a new share for IBM Docs data and a new share for IBM Docs Viewer.  I created the two new shared on the Linux server that currently hosted the CIFS Connections share and installed Samba to enable a Windows server to access them.

I had one problem where it consistently failed during install if I didn’t use capital letters for the mapped drives.  It didn’t refuse to accept lower case letters, it just failed the install.  If your install fails make sure you aren’t using lower case letters.


The key requirement for IBM Docs to actually work is that

1. The shares must use mapped drive letters and those drives letters must exist prior to the IBM Docs elements being started

2. The IBM recommendation for achieving this is to create a batch file on the IBM Docs OS (which must be partially if not wholly Windows) to do the drive mapping and have that load in Windows task scheduler on startup.

3. The WAS servers must then be run as services not using a system account but using a named Windows account that matches the one assigned to run the batch file in task scheduler

This solution had two problems, I hated it, and it didn’t work.

I hated this idea because my customer doesn’t run AD at all and their share was a samba share on a Linux box using CIFS.  That means there is no account that can be used to start the services that can also be used to map the drives. There is no easy way to have Windows pass credentials to mount the shares without storing both the name and password that samba recognises in the batch file - like this

net use m: \\hubshared\ibmdocsdata sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use n: \\hubshared\ibmdocsview sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use l: \\hubshared\conntestshare sambapassword /user:sambaaccount

Unfortunately after several weeks of different ideas from L3 support we admitted defeat to allow me to move on with the install.  I have minimised risk by ensuring the account isn’t a linux account and only has access to the samba shares.

The second part of the solution is the assumption that if you map the drives through task scheduler owned by a Windows user and that same Windows user starts the WAS services - the WAS services will be able to see the mapped drives.  To everyone’s disappointment that absolutely didn’t work because Microsoft kindly mapped the drives from the batch file in a different session to the one where it started the WAS services.  The servers couldn’t see the mapped drives.

So the install was simple but getting everything running securely and without the customer having to manually do anything held us up for weeks.  In the end I opted for a solution where I created a batch file to both map the drives and then start the WAS servers in a scheduled startup script.  That worked beautifully and this is what it looks like

net use m: \\hubshared\ibmdocsdata sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use n: \\hubshared\ibmdocsview sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use l: \\hubshared\conntestshare sambapassword /user:sambaaccount

Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMDocs\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMConversion\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMViewer\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMDocsProxy\bin\startnode”

As you can see I only start the nodeagents. The servers themselves and the applications on them are bootstrapped to the start of those. To do that modify the server’s monitoring policy which is found under Java and Process Management for each server

Then set the “Node Restart State” to “RUNNING”

bootstrap nodeagents

Configuring Domino for SPNEGO

I was recently asked to put together a live demonstration for a customer on how they could use SPNEGO to access their web based Domino applications. To do that I opted to build a lab environment consisting of a Windows domain controller, a Windows based Domino server and a Windows 7 workstation so I could have a clean environment to present with.

Here is a modified copy of that presentation which will hopefully help you configure SPNEGO in your own environment.

Thank you to Sean Cull at Focul for clearing this presentation so I could share it.

If enough people are interested I would consider doing a webcast of this with a demo against my lab environment.